restaurant city – 負分入game法


1. 入game 的時候,見到個女人提示, 開CE, set hackspeed 為 零然後tick 綠色個tick

2. 然後按你的員工, 跳個框出來, 選左邊好細個 “屋仔” icon ,然後將個speedhack set翻正常 1

3.現在你可以入翻你間屋,  用restaurant city cheat tool 4.0 用垃圾cheat ,搵錢搵分

然後炒員工, 炒完後save

4. 重新登入就會進行新手模式, 不過不要再請人…開始繼續用垃圾cheat …不過用垃圾cheat 重返正分後 是否能避免retry ,這個我未能證實,有待網友們測試,因為我的測試account 負一億,是無法用垃圾加分




“restaurant city – 負分入game法” 有 25 則評論

  1. 有冇第二個方法可以整反…因為我次次一整到屋仔個icon話升Lv個時就彈game~~

  2. 請問咩係speedhack?可以係邊到set 呀?可唔可以有多d instruction?

    Would anyone tell me where to set the speedhack? I need more precious advice and instrustions! Thanks dude!

  3. hey guys, i went in and click the first check of the lady then quickly press the 0 speed (put it right next to ur browser so is fast enough. Then fired all except for 2 workers, then it is stuck at $0 and -#####pts and lvl 99. but was able to trade away items, go to other houses, and so on….no mail though -.-”
    and finally…since the pt cheats are not working, anyone know a new way to make it go back to normal pts?

  4. Thanks for the advice, 不過我仍然唔work.
    因為每當我set speedhack去1嘅時候,復活果刻即刻就upgrade我去level2,一upgrad,就即刻彈出去喇…

    我嘗試彈出upgrade message同埋set speedhack去1前,將connection熄,咁樣就出個話我無connection的message,然後先將speedhack set做1,咁樣個connection message仍在,但背後個餐廳就照常運作,因為upgrade, points仲已經變翻正數,但係一開翻connection就都係彈走…又無人可以知道點破解?

  5. re BB:
    我TICK 左邊好細個 “屋仔” icon, 之後就將個speedhack set翻正常1, 然後九秒九咁禁出去street, 然後再入番自己既餐廳, cheat rubbish, 跟住就可以狂禁rubbish整番做正分啦. 我都好唔明點解speedhack set左1之後仲可以比我禁咁多野 @@” 總之一個字, 快!

  6. To cyc :


  7. WOW…我成功變番做正分啦.
    但係呢…個女人叫我張D員工分工..一SAVE..就彈出去啦 X(

  8. “選左邊好細個 “屋仔” icon ,然後將個speedhack set翻正常 ” 跟住就彈出去 :(

  9. 員工炒剩2個,再用scan type :value between 1- 50000,既方法可以變回正方,但仍然不可以save~
