Restaurant city – Fixed some bugs

昨天playfish 用了大半天,把之前的bug都fix了,所以之前的修改方法已經找不到數值,所以不能滾錢了。不過改分數的方法,playfish還沒fix,測試成功後再發布。




“Restaurant city – Fixed some bugs” 有 91 則評論

  1. 我有部份outdoor item係條行人路上,但又執唔,實在太多蟲!!!

  2. 暫時係,尋晚playfish維完後,我原先d送菜Level 4賣緊$8 1碟,而家全部變番做$2 = =

  3. 好難賺$呀…. 有冇得快D 架…. 我見佢個碼好似變左 流動 式o既??
    都唔鬼知邊條友 放落個 U tube 俾人睇o既~~

  4. 我都係啊…買左幾部遊戲機, 諗住可以拖延等候時間, 點知而家無左!好慘!

  5. sorry guys, does any of you know where can i download the full version of cheat engine..cuz i just found out my cheat engine is expired!!! thx for the help!!!

  6. 我今日搬傢俬..一搬就死..買左d野..扣錢,但係又冇個件野..唔知想點..冇左好多錢>.<

  7. 挖!!!大bug阿, 明明trade 左D也會無左, 本來trade 左 2 個 tomato, 2個 leek, 過左一陣無啦啦retry, 跟著就無曬D野拉T.T

  8. 人地篇post係打中文既,
    用英文一翻譯 = 好容易散播消息 = playfish好快又查到 = 又ban!

  9. 依家佢更新左可以每日有FREE既食材
    連LOCK左既食材都可以交換 不過就要人地確認..
    -_______- 更新左之後 就會好LAG
    SAVE既時候就會SAVE 5到 ! 會變返之前個樣
    之後買左既野會扣左你既錢 旦系物品5會有改變 5會買到
    MANY MANY 多既問題 ._________.

  10. yes, the system is v v unstable
    always retry suddenly
    and it cannot save after my new decoration, i decorated repeatly for many times
    v unstable so that let me feel annoyed

  11. abc :i hope you can faster to post the cheat
    thank you

    you didn’t say email pf ma? why ask us to post the new hack method ar? 做埋咁多小動作…無聊
