pet society – update!

pet society 今日更新,更新完後self clone  繼續正常使用!寄物clone我未測試(趕功課!忙>.<!)

大家先用住self clone!

facebook 開了group Pet society HACK:





“pet society – update!” 有 52 則評論

  1. But your friends can still view your pretty house just that you can’t play anymore… Its suppose to be a fun game . I taught they would just do the fix and not ban all other applications…I’m so shock when I realize they are so strict… the game must be so popular that they are not worry that people will leave..

  2. So upset when I log in I saw a blank page went into the forum and was inform that if you found Error 403 FORBIDDEN when you right click the white page, and select ‘View Source’ if in Internet Explorer or ‘View Page Source’ if in Firefox or similar in other browsers. Well good luck folks…I hope there is a way where I can play again…but guess not..I do not wish to create another account and start all over again…I’m really sad…

  3. 根本整個group出黎好白痴….有冇賊打刧銀行會話比警察聽ga???呢d野梗係收埋ga la….

  4. 我用開送人個個Clone.因為Self個個唔識彈野出黎;<

  5. 我已經證明第2個都唔得…係咪因為我係咁整呢??唔知其他人整唔整到呢..

  6. “Pet Society Maintenance will be performed Tuesday March 3rd.”
    唔知到時又點。。。好驚連呢個self clone 都冇埋。。。
    幾時有得再hack money 。。。
